We are an oasis of love and a shelter of love for YOU!

Our Main Service begins with a time of worship music where you will see everything from raised hands, clapping, dancing, and shouting to quiet kneeling and tears streaming down grateful faces. You are free to join in as you desire.
We believe it is an honor to give God praise in the very first moments of our time together. We love our worship team, and we appreciate the heartfelt gratitude expressed by every member of our church family in their own special way. We hope you enjoy!
There is nothing more vital than an on-going relationship with Jesus Christ through His Word. This is why in every service you will hear an encouraging message, primarily from Pastor Phillip, but at times from Pastor Regina or a special guest minister.
We want you to sit back, relax, and take in the best preaching and teaching we can offer. It’s all about believing the words of Jesus in Matthew 4:4 where He said, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
God’s Word will not return to Him without producing an effect, and we want you to receive the fullness of that effect every time we join together for a taste of the Bread of Life!


Getting to know someone and enjoying their company gives us all a sense of worth. After church we invite you to get to know people by staying to chat for a few minutes. You might discover how easy it is to make a brand new friend.
If getting to know people isn’t something you do naturally, that’s ok. We have Women’s Fellowship, Men’s Fellowship, and many places where you can volunteer to serve and get acquainted at your own pace and in your own way.
Jesus made us worth more than we can imagine when He hung on the cross for us all. Now it’s our turn to extend that same expression of worth to one another. Welcome to Only Believe @ Kenton!